Manual Wheelchairs
A manual wheelchair is a type of device that an individual must move themselves around in, without the help of battery power. Unlike power wheelchairs, these wheelchairs are either self-propelled in which the user moves the chair about with their limbs or companion-propelled in which another person pushes the wheelchair. Depending on the user's circumstances or needs, they may need to have a custom wheelchair designed.

Quickie Qxi®. k5
The Quickie QXi® has a durable, simple, low-maintenance wheelchair frame and has both vertical and horizontal adjustability and a HCPCS Code K0005 designation.

Quickie® 2. K5
The QUICKIE® 2 has a modular design that can change with you and will also fulfill all of your individual needs without sacrificing quality, performance or fit.

Quickie® Sr45®. E1161
The Quickie® SR45® allows you to customize seat widths, seat depths, armrests, wheels, and tires. It also features up to 45° of posterior rotation for improved positioning.

Ki Catalyst 5 Vx. K5
The Catalyst 5 is made out of ultra-lightweight 7000 series aluminum and has the largest selection of options to help you customize and configure your chair.

Ki Liberty. E1161
The Liberty wheelchair is truly portable, enables independent propulsion, and provides the benefits of tilt-in-space--the gas spring design is effortless and simple to readjust.
Focus CR
Focus CR brought complex rotation to the Complex Rehab Industry in 2013. With Focus exclusive innovations and continuous enhancements based on your feedback, Focus CR was and still remains the best performing tilt-in-space chair on the market.